day 5: unmentionables

Post image for day 5: unmentionables

by Janice on 02/23/2012

Today’s to do was to tackle my drawers in our vanity. They hold lingerie, pajamas and jewelry. What is more unmentionable, that I am throwing something out that isn’t broken, or that I still own some of  lingerie I purchased before I met my current husband? It always seemed inherently tacky to run around in something that had, well, other memories attached to it. The easy ones though are the maternity nylons, the socks with happy faces on them that I bought to wear during labour (7 1/2 years ago), anything with holes in it, nylons in unflattering colours (ivory, really?) and underwear that I hate because it’s uncomfortable.

I had similar challenges with the jewelry drawer. Do I keep the Christofle necklace that my ex husband gave me at our rehearsal dinner? I never liked it – showed a shocking lack of insight into my taste and was more about the name than the design. It certainly won’t be passed on to my children (who thankfully, are the product of my second marriage). On the plus side, I’m not particularly sentimental about jewelry, and don’t collect anything of real value. Luckily, my husband has great taste and bats about 900 when selecting costume jewelry. The one major misstep though was a large Swarkovski double strand necklace that, pause for effect, attaches to a velvet choker collar. My poker face seriously failed me that Christmas.

It seemed excessive to let the girls have it for dress up so I’ll hold onto it for now. The rest of my jewelry I did donate to the dress up box(es) (split as equally as I could), with some held to the side for my Mom. And now, the drawer is no longer a tangled mess.

The hardest one for me was the pajama drawer. I love my lounge wear and change into it or yoga gear about 5 minutes after I make it through the door from work. And no, just because I live in Vancouver doesn’t mean I wear it outside of the house. I only ended up finding 3 nightgowns and 2 pairs of pajamas, but was happy to note that all six drawers open and close much more easily tonight.

I received the link to 30 Day Clutter Bootcamp again (thank you Patrick for your patience) and found out that I’m a bit out of order. I’m also having trouble sticking to the 30 minute target, which can lead to chaos at bed time, so will try to get back on track tomorrow.

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