day 11: herbals and spices

Post image for day 11: herbals and spices

by Janice on 02/29/2012

The next two days in the Bootcamp are about the medicine and spice cabinets. These were quick, as we were all sick over the Christmas holidays and found out that many of our remedies were expired. Most parents know that you typically only realize this in the middle of the night. When you are trying to ward off febrile convulsions with whatever unexpired Children’s Advil you can find. After that experience I took some time to update our medicine stash, and (safely) got rid of the old medications.

Given we didn’t want to share this holiday virus with friends, we also ended up with lots of time on our hands, so I pushed through the spices too. Crono is an absolutely fantastic cook. He loves to cook for family and friends, and makes the most amazing feasts when he has the time. The downside to this is our cookbook, kitchen gadget and spice collections. I appreciate and benefit from all of these, but become tired of tossing out spices which I find in triplicate, “saved for later”, in the upper reaches of our kitchen cabinet.

Our new system involves the two baskets on the top shelf in this photo. Crono is not supposed to purchase more bags than can fit in these baskets and I am hopeful he will check them before he heads out to shop each weekend. You will note that they are already full. For my part, I’m going to double check the medicine cabinet at least once a quarter to help save us from additional panic in the middle of the night.

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