30 day bootcamp

Six months after I went back to work part time, I was frustrated by the mess I could never seem to conquer. Through the Minimalist Mom site, I found the 30 Day Clutter Bootcamp at the Minimalist Packrat blog, and decided to give it a try.

Today is my day ‘off’, or when I return to my most demanding job, managing my home life. I spent the morning driving around and dropping items off – thanks again to Christine for assembling her resources list for Vancouver. The list helped me make the following stops: Mount Seymour Thrift Shop, for the fabric, […]

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day 12: pile of stash under the stairs

Post image for day 12: pile of stash under the stairs

by Janice on 03/01/2012

A few days ago, I found the stash of our books from when we moved 3 1/2 years ago. They were tucked away in the worst enabler we have, our cupboard under the stairs. While this saying invokes Harry Potter’s ill-treatment (in the keep pile of books), I was reminded more of the book Pile […]


day 11: herbals and spices

Post image for day 11: herbals and spices

by Janice on 02/29/2012

The next two days in the Bootcamp are about the medicine and spice cabinets. These were quick, as we were all sick over the Christmas holidays and found out that many of our remedies were expired. Most parents know that you typically only realize this in the middle of the night. When you are trying to ward off […]


day 10: junk drawer

Post image for day 10: junk drawer

by Janice on 02/28/2012

We have a few of these, but I managed to push through 2 in 30 minutes. Crono likes to just empty his pockets each evening without sorting through his receipts, change, or even tissues (not used). This adds up and we found expired lottery tickets (which I wasn’t brave enough to check), loads more change, […]


day 9: the elephant in the rec room

Post image for day 9: the elephant in the rec room

by Janice on 02/27/2012

Up until I went back to work last August, I ran a small business that sold organic and sustainable yarns, fabrics and notions. While that has devolved to an Etsy store, I have effectively closed the business and am not bringing in any new stock. I’m finding it overwhelming to attend to orders from the […]


day 8: book by book

Post image for day 8: book by book

by Janice on 02/26/2012

I have a theory (excuse) that you can’t spoil kids with too many books, and given that my girls love the collection that Mom saved from my childhood, I have sentimental visions of my grandchildren coming for sleepovers and reading their Mothers’ favourites. It makes it difficult to give their books away.  I had gone through a purge […]