day 15: accessories for normal living

Post image for day 15: accessories for normal living

by Janice on 03/05/2012

“The basic thing nobody asks is why do people take drugs of any sort? Why do we have these accessories to normal living to live? I mean, is there something wrong with society that’s making us so pressurized, that we cannot live without guarding ourselves against it?” ~ John Lennon

While accessories are figurative in this quote, I find it particularly relevant for those items that I purchased from retail therapy for comfort buys (my ‘drug’ of choice). Defining the ‘why’ for most of my retail therapy isn’t that hard for me, but it certainly helps to admit the reasons for it if I want to break old habits.

I had cleaned out my accessories when I did my closet. The main area left upstairs is the girls’ hair accessories, as well as MJP’s side of the closet. Which will have to wait for a day when I’m home and they are not. I can’t face that kind of resistance on a Sunday night.

I cleared out two large recycling bags of hats, gloves, scarves and sun hats, as well as some  outerwear that everyone agreed didn’t fit anymore. We had 6 of these wool hats left from my father-in-law’s belongings. He was born in 1925, in Germany, and I had never seen him outside without a hat. MJP had kept them because it seemed like such a waste to get rid of them. MJP kept the one that fit him well and is threatening to start wearing it when he turns 65. Luckily that’s a little way off…..


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